Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Can we have some efficiency plsssssssss?

Americans may be able to spell the word "efficiency" but they have no idea what it means to be efficient. But then again I may be wrong.

If efficiency means putting me on hold for 20 mins, then they are efficient.
If efficiency means transferring me around the calling centre, first to the phone dept then to the DSL dept then to the billing dept then to God knows where. Yes, they are efficient.
If efficiency means asking me repeatedly for my first name, last name, full address and how they may help me for every god damm transfer, oh boy they are sooooo efficient.
If efficiency means spending one hour on the phone with 6 callers and getting no where in solving my problem, yes, they are FUCKING efficient.

And all I wanted was to change my billing account...

I miss Singapore.


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