Chill out @ Hard Rock Cafe, Philadelphia
To sum it up, here's what I have been up to... 0_o

Here's the coolest BVians ever! We rock BIG time! (Guess who's the b'day boy/gal? No brainer right!)

Posing in front of Hard Rock Cafe

My housemates. We are the E411s! Everything for the price of $11.

And that's me with the infamous Beatles of coz! I really got to put on more weight!!!

Plan A - Eat ALL I can! *Gobble burger* while eyeing on Phebe's chicken - yum yum!

Neeraj (my room mate) trying to be chinese. C'mon!

Revisit the Times Square - really gotta watch the broadway soon. And ...

Visit the one and only COLDSTONE! They should have a franchise here in S'pore! Not only do you get to choose the flavor of ice-cream, you get to choose 2 toppings like marshmallows, cookies, hot fudge, fruits etc, and they will mix it up for you.

By the really cool dudes in Cold Stone.

That should really be part of my daily diet if I want to put on some serious weight here.

We definitely love the ice-cream! One more plz!

Visited this catherdral that was built hundred of years ago. Very serene. Very authentic.

Also went to Ground Zero when the bombing took place - the fateful Sept 11. It could really bring tears when you read about the actual happenings on that day. It was said that the cross was what remains during the aftermath - not sure how true it was.
Ok I am really sleepy... if u want to see more pics, click the links below. U know what, I have yet to take a single pic. My frens are photo fanatics. They diligently bring their cameras everywhere they go and they snap pictures every step of the way. Saves us 10 seconds of time per picture if I don't bring my camera.
A (to stranger): Can you help us take a photo? (smiles sweetly while the rest nod earnestly)
Stranger: Sure!
B (Upon hearing "Sure!"): Here's my camera - can you help me too?
C: And me...
D: Here's mine!
E: Wait a sec, I have one too...
Stranger: Erm, this could take a while..............
A-E and more: Act blur and pose... *CHeeezzzzzz*
Repeat above procedure for every single building. Multiply that by min. 5 cameras. Now you can see why I could save us all quite a lot of time by not bringing my camera.

I was on the phone with mum while Julia snap it. *grin* See you guys soon! More pics coming up I assure you. Meanwhile, chill!
More Hard Rock Cafe pics courtesy of Julia.

Here's the coolest BVians ever! We rock BIG time! (Guess who's the b'day boy/gal? No brainer right!)

Posing in front of Hard Rock Cafe

My housemates. We are the E411s! Everything for the price of $11.

And that's me with the infamous Beatles of coz! I really got to put on more weight!!!

Plan A - Eat ALL I can! *Gobble burger* while eyeing on Phebe's chicken - yum yum!

Neeraj (my room mate) trying to be chinese. C'mon!

Revisit the Times Square - really gotta watch the broadway soon. And ...

Visit the one and only COLDSTONE! They should have a franchise here in S'pore! Not only do you get to choose the flavor of ice-cream, you get to choose 2 toppings like marshmallows, cookies, hot fudge, fruits etc, and they will mix it up for you.

By the really cool dudes in Cold Stone.

That should really be part of my daily diet if I want to put on some serious weight here.

We definitely love the ice-cream! One more plz!

Visited this catherdral that was built hundred of years ago. Very serene. Very authentic.

Also went to Ground Zero when the bombing took place - the fateful Sept 11. It could really bring tears when you read about the actual happenings on that day. It was said that the cross was what remains during the aftermath - not sure how true it was.
Ok I am really sleepy... if u want to see more pics, click the links below. U know what, I have yet to take a single pic. My frens are photo fanatics. They diligently bring their cameras everywhere they go and they snap pictures every step of the way. Saves us 10 seconds of time per picture if I don't bring my camera.
A (to stranger): Can you help us take a photo? (smiles sweetly while the rest nod earnestly)
Stranger: Sure!
B (Upon hearing "Sure!"): Here's my camera - can you help me too?
C: And me...
D: Here's mine!
E: Wait a sec, I have one too...
Stranger: Erm, this could take a while..............
A-E and more: Act blur and pose... *CHeeezzzzzz*
Repeat above procedure for every single building. Multiply that by min. 5 cameras. Now you can see why I could save us all quite a lot of time by not bringing my camera.

I was on the phone with mum while Julia snap it. *grin* See you guys soon! More pics coming up I assure you. Meanwhile, chill!
More Hard Rock Cafe pics courtesy of Julia.
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