Wednesday, September 21, 2005

If only...

A friend of mine sent me an email today "Hey you back in S'pore? Mingyan saw you...."
Haha. Either I have the power of astral projection or he had saw someone who looked like me. Nothing unusual really esp. since Americans think we Chinese look alike. But I kinda wish it was the first. How cool is that - to be at two places at one time. I can be working and holidaying at the same time. I can be dating two people at the same time. Talk about being efficient right. But I wonder if my mind can manage since guys are known to be sucky at multi-tasking. I might actually reduce my efficiency by half.

Or maybe, just maybe I do have a twin hanging around in this world. For more drama, let's make him my evil twin. How awesome is that. He is doing all kinds of crazy things in the world. He hooked up with all the babes in the world. He rubbed shoulders with all the baddies in the world. Who knows he might be in top secret meetings on how to destroy this world right now. And me... (let's not even go there) Simply put, he is all that I am not. Man, won't that make him super attractive. Darn!!! I want to be bad sometimes. To pay no attention to consequences and just do what I want. To do what I feel like doing. When will I ever walk on the Milky Way and proclaim that I am truely free?

I gotta meet my evil twin someday.


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