Awoke from slumber - watch me swim!

It has been 108 days since I left Singapore to pursue the American dream. One that took a long time to materialise. But every day I reminded myself how much it took for me to be here. Persuading my parents. Convincing my uncle. Surviving the three rounds of interviews PLUS all the ups and downs that accompanies it. Filling up tons and tons of forms. Attending briefing after briefing. And then here I am. Now what? Have you ever dreamt of doing something so bad that you will go all odds to get there. But when you finally did get there, you don't feel that great afterall. And then you pursue another dream... Do people pursue their dream to enjoy the temporary moments of ecstasy or are they after the process of getting there. Both? Always the safer answer (grins)
But today I am reminded to make everyday count. Ironically from watching a free chickflick "Shopgirl". (Talk about making everyday count?!) How many of us really put in 110% in whatever we do? Let's not even talk about the small things. I am talking about our dreams, people. How many people dare say they throw in everything that they have to achieve their seemingly unachievable dreams?
Sadly I am not one of them. But to me this is no surprise. Somehow I feel that I need to feel safe. I need to have a backup planJUST IN CASE I cannot achieve my dream. And so I held back. I put a little less effort in pursuing the dream. Giving way to adversity and letting excuses take control. And when that happen, nobody wins. The dream loses its meaning and the pursuer loses its purpose. He then take the easy way out and blames it on the realities of life. Sounds familiar right.
I am glad I caught the chickflick. Another opportunity presents itself - an act of courage. Here's my reality: I am halfway out from shore. Do I save some energy to swim back or do I go all out and swim till I reach the horizon? I chose the latter. Watch me swim.
Hi Eric, 1st time posting on your blog though I have been reading it for some time. =) Hope you are happy and well there...
"But when you finally did get there, you don't feel that great afterall. And then you pursue another dream... Do people pursue their dream to enjoy the temporary moments of ecstasy or are they after the process of getting there. Both? Always the safer answer (grins)" - Eric's post
Anyway, there are experts out there who specialise in a field called 'happiness studies' and I believe that what you are experiencing is what they term to be the 'hedonistic treadmill'. They believe that it is a mechanism inbuilt into the human psyche so as to bring about progress through a feeling of continual dissatisfaction. Some believe that humans are not built to be happy, and that we will experience an entire lifetime of depression punctuated by the fleeting dophamine-induced ecstacies that follows after an accomplished goal (as a form of reward for progress) or a novel experience (as a form of prep for acceptance of change as a good thing).
Perhaps another good reading in case you are bored would be the works of Sigmund Freud on what he has to say about happiness, 'latent and apparent motivations' (not sure if he used these exact terms).
These readings could be semi-depressing and base to read but I believe that they have their value. There are of course different views and the stuff that I talked about is stunted towards one direction so lets all keep an open mind. =P Make your own theory-informed decisions on how to live your life.
Google keywords for such topics would be: "happiness studies hedonistic treadmill"; "freud happy motivations"
very cheem, live a life like that very xinku
There are 2 sayings:
1) "A life not examined is not worth living."
2) "A life too examined may not have lived at all"
Each of us have to make our own decisions about where is the balance for us between these 2 statements... If we are happy with what we are, well... that is ALL that matters. =)
Wow Mal, I am impressed! =)
I will def. look them up. And how's life going for u?
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