Monday, January 09, 2006

A week full of shit!

You know how sometimes we procrastinate and assume that problems will be resolved AUTOMATICALLY? But the truth is it doesn’t. It becomes shit. Shit of all shapes and sizes. Some can be lumpy. Some can be sticky. Some long. Some short. At times, you even get diarrhoea and your shit becomes watery. But generally, they all stink. And when they accumulate, you become so full of shit that you don’t even realize it anymore (which isn’t that bad) The downside of it all is this. You become so burdened with shit that it drains you. You start losing energy leading to more shit. And the vicious shit cycle begins. Until someone points it out to you. “Hey Eric, you stink.” And then you look at yourself and almost forget how it feels to be free of shit. That’s how I feel right now. Haha. FOS!

Here’s good advice:

When dealing with shit of all kinds, use a healthy dose of RESPONSIBILITY, pop in a few CLARITY pills (as opposed to the medically recommended charcoal pills), and always, always flush after shit.

Take a good look at yourself. You might find shit on yourself. Go clear it up. And remember to flush! :)


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