Down @ Rhode Island, A Glimpse Ahead

Yew Zhen, Julia, Me, Iris, Tze Ling and Miah
This is one of my fave pics taken at Rhode Island many many months back. I think it was in Nov, during thanksgiving period. Looks really retro right. Almost forget that we went there until Miah sent me a link last night. Brought back fond memories. I wonder what I will be thinking and feeling when I look at this pic 20 or 30 years down the road. What will I be telling my son or daughter? How will all of my friends be? Will we be still in touch? Will our friendship still be growing strong? Something tells me that when we meet again after all these years, we will smile and give one another a hug. Words are unneccessary.
This was how I felt when I looked at the pic. 4 months left... It has been good so far. Every day has been well spent. Been learning a lot from my boss, my mentors, my batchmates, my new friends, myself... I am just so present to every moment the last 8 mths have presented. I am sooo gonna cry this June when I graduate. How embarassing... but at least I know I won't be alone...
awww.... :) *hugz*
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