Thursday, March 23, 2006

Privacy? Hardly...

Was checking my mails in class when my friend beside me started nudging me really hard. And he got my attention to the screen. And it took me 3 secs to register what was causing a huge commotion in the class. My dear professor apparently put my pic up on his PPT slides to explain about the types of persuaders. And he labelled my style as a NEOPHYTE. Shan't go into details (not the main point anyway).

What amazed me most was the pic he used. I could not even remember the time I took that pic??!! I later found out that he googled for it. Gosh... this is scary. That aside, I am still disturbed by the fact that he picked such an goofy pic of me. Hmph. :(

So much for being a "neophyte" yeah.


Blogger Unknown said... can really be found on google man-speech contest on singapore!privacy intruded..but well 3 words, proud of u!:)

9:35 AM  

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