Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Just Let Go

"Just Let Go" was my competition speech that brought me through the club, area and division level speech competitions. And yes, it ended for me last Sat. I was placed second, after Doug Pike whose speech was on 911, titled "Sorrow, Solace, Sunshine". Personally, I think JJ should have won with his "Love Centric Leadership" speech. His use of the mirror was extremely memorable when he was demostrating how most people don't show enough love for themselves. And without love for oneself, how can one show love for others. How apt, don't you think?

If you ask me, I was disappointed for quite a bit. Enough to get me in bed by 4pm that evening. I guess I was just tired. And then today, something hit me. I listened to my speech again. And this time it was ME who reminded ME to JUST LET GO. I was holding on so tightly to the fact that I COULD have won, and that has prevented me from moving forward, from asking myself how I can be better.

I see light now. I see freedom in letting go. And I shall conclude this post by a quote I gave in my speech.

Sometimes you have to let go, to see if it is worth holding to.

Thanks Eric.


Blogger Unknown said...

dear, so proud of you! i also have to learn to let it go...stay tuned!

2:08 AM  
Blogger thimerosa said...

You're inspiring buddy. :)

8:33 AM  
Blogger Tripp said...

Joan: Haha.. what do you want to let go??? Think carefully b4 u answer k. :p

10:45 AM  
Blogger Tripp said...

Buddy: Thank you! Looking fwd to see you soon. POS POS POS!!!

10:45 AM  
Blogger RyanzZz said...

Yeaz... I truly understand that feeling of "so far yet so near" kind of emotion... But yea, LET IT GO... and be glad that the friends made along the way and the entire journey is priceless in comparison to the accolade of the champion...=)

11:45 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

don't worry. i will never wanna let you go!:p haha. *blushed*. is ur buddy jiahui=thimerosa who is going for POS too? hi there! see you there!:p

10:51 PM  
Blogger Tripp said...

Yes she is.. It will be so fun. :)

9:38 AM  

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