We (too) have the power to turn stone to gold!

Noticed a lot of people around me reading the Alchemist. (grins) And I wonder what each one of them got out of it. I remember very fondly of this quote: "When you want something so badly, the whole world will conspire to get you there." And I was like "Wow!" And it is true. It is all about intention. But recently I was reminded of something else from the book (also inspired by an article written by Steve Mitten). This time is about the art of alchemy. In the book it talks about the power alchemists have in turning stone to gold. And in real life, we have such power too! Allow me to explain.
The alchemists presented an alternative solution to dealing with the everyday challenges. Instead of fretting or stressing over the ordeals we faced, we accept it and then look for ways to turn every ordinary moment into a spectacular one. Just like turning stone to gold. :)
Take my recent "catastrophe" for example. In the middle of the week, I fell sick. Really sick - stomach flu. And I spend a couple of days puking and shitting. Had really bad stomach cramps and a non-stop fever. It totally wrecked my week. I could not focus on my work. Work was piling. School projects deadline are closing up. And as you guess it, I was miserable and cold. And instead of giving power to the flu, I accepted it. I took the medication necessary and refuse to run any stories. "Oh I am so pitiful. Why must it happen to me?" kind of crap. Instead, I looked into ways to make the best of my situation. And I did. I may be physically weak but I was running a marathon in my head. I spent a lot of time reflecting on my growth, my fears, my promises, my loose ends & my priorities. What I got at the end of that "miserable" two days was peace with myself. And alot of action (in my personal project). Somehow after the two day ordeal, I am left with a healthier stomach (thankfully) and a more focused mind. I felt rejuvenated!
Somehow amidst all the rush and chaos, I was able to stop and enjoy the flowers literally in Philadelphia (since it is spring). Gosh.. it really brings me back to perspective. No matter how challenging life can be, never ever lose sight of the big picture. There is so much to be enjoyed! :)
"Life, even in the hardest times, is full of moments to savor. They will not come this way again, not in this way."
-Paula Rinehart
Goodbye Winter(Taken on Apr 1)

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