One small step in CCI marks a major step for Humanity!
CCI has made another small step forward. Chuck from Fox Leadership has decided to give CCI a try i.e seeds are sowed. For those of you who have no idea what CCI is, let me do a quick recap. CCI stands for Coaching Clubs International. It is a coaching movement that was started in Singapore a year ago. CCI's vision is to bring coaching to every single individual so that they can harness its power to become effective at who they are. For more information, check out my former entry "Our final stand against the bad bad world..." on 7 July 2005. Click here

This are the group of people who will be helping me make CCI a reality in States. (L-R: Shamir, Wayne, Kaian, Lawrence, Moi and Niki!)

Moi in Action

The guy in the extreme right is Chuck! He is the man! :) And of coz the students who will be running the club. Awesome!
It may be one small step for CCI. But we are one major step towards awakening humanity!

This are the group of people who will be helping me make CCI a reality in States. (L-R: Shamir, Wayne, Kaian, Lawrence, Moi and Niki!)

Moi in Action

The guy in the extreme right is Chuck! He is the man! :) And of coz the students who will be running the club. Awesome!
It may be one small step for CCI. But we are one major step towards awakening humanity!
this is sooooo EXCITING!!!Have lots of FUN!
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