I found freedom in falling

Each time when we fall, a line is drawn.

For most people, this line becomes a glass ceiling that limits them, restricting their possibilies.

This line could be something else too...

It could be ground for them to stand firmly on. The lowest line ever. And from that line, they climb up higher into the sky of possibilities.
I manage to figure out the disconnect with some help...

And I am reminded that every fall, in every flight, the learner learns, the worthy fight. Until we stand on groundless ground, until we step out of our survival mechanistic way of being, the possibility of being who we are remains just that.

Instead of dreaming about the possibilities, we can live the possibilities if only we let go and fly

And I finally found freedom in falling... very very free... wheeeeeeeeeee
*Graphic credits go to my dearest coach, friend and sister, Mei! Future cartoonist for sure.