Tuesday, January 31, 2006

I found freedom in falling

Each time when we fall, a line is drawn.

For most people, this line becomes a glass ceiling that limits them, restricting their possibilies.

This line could be something else too...

It could be ground for them to stand firmly on. The lowest line ever. And from that line, they climb up higher into the sky of possibilities.

I manage to figure out the disconnect with some help...

And I am reminded that every fall, in every flight, the learner learns, the worthy fight. Until we stand on groundless ground, until we step out of our survival mechanistic way of being, the possibility of being who we are remains just that.

Instead of dreaming about the possibilities, we can live the possibilities if only we let go and fly

And I finally found freedom in falling... very very free... wheeeeeeeeeee

*Graphic credits go to my dearest coach, friend and sister, Mei! Future cartoonist for sure.

Monday, January 30, 2006

Fixing the disconnect

I need a break. A break from everything... the disconnect with myself is starting to manifest itself in everything that I do. It is time to stop and do a stock check. It is quite scary when you realize that u have been behaving like a machine for god knows how long. People start pushing your buttons and all you do is react. Not even stopping to think about your actions (or inactions). No wonder I feel so drained these days. It is time to stop and be with myself again. Pardon this meaningless droning. Later.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Work Prayer

Something I learnt @ work:

Grant me the serenity
to accept the things
I cannot change,
the courage to change
the things I cannot accept,
and the wisdom to hide
the bodies of those people
I had to kill today,
because they pissed me off and
also help me to be careful
of the toes I step on today as they
may be connected to the ass
that I might have to kiss tomorrow


Friday, January 20, 2006

In the company of great friends...

It takes great comfort to know that you are not facing the world alone.

NCBV Batch 6. The company of you guys make all the difference here. WE ROCK! :)

NCBV Batch 7. The addition of the juniors further enrich our experience here in States!

The college has organized a ski trip this weekend at Blue Mountains (Poconos). Will put up some pics soon. Take care guys!

Monday, January 16, 2006

Moments of laughter

RAJ: My life sucks

CW: Don't worry. It will be over soon.

RAJ: What?! My life?

ALL: Burst into laughter

Monday, January 09, 2006

A week full of shit!

You know how sometimes we procrastinate and assume that problems will be resolved AUTOMATICALLY? But the truth is it doesn’t. It becomes shit. Shit of all shapes and sizes. Some can be lumpy. Some can be sticky. Some long. Some short. At times, you even get diarrhoea and your shit becomes watery. But generally, they all stink. And when they accumulate, you become so full of shit that you don’t even realize it anymore (which isn’t that bad) The downside of it all is this. You become so burdened with shit that it drains you. You start losing energy leading to more shit. And the vicious shit cycle begins. Until someone points it out to you. “Hey Eric, you stink.” And then you look at yourself and almost forget how it feels to be free of shit. That’s how I feel right now. Haha. FOS!

Here’s good advice:

When dealing with shit of all kinds, use a healthy dose of RESPONSIBILITY, pop in a few CLARITY pills (as opposed to the medically recommended charcoal pills), and always, always flush after shit.

Take a good look at yourself. You might find shit on yourself. Go clear it up. And remember to flush! :)

Monday, January 02, 2006

Looking back...

Time passes really fast. (What's new?)

My family will be flying back to Singapore in a couple of hours. It is as if they just got here last night. I will never forget my excitment and nervousness as I waited impatiently for their arrival. I even rehearsed what I wanted to say to them. In the end, I forget all my lines. I just rushed towards them and gave them each a big hug. Nothing beats a hug to express how much I miss (and love) them!

As I sit by the window journalling, I could hear the loud snores from my dad (or was it my mum?) *grin* I could even hear my mum's laughter, dad's footsteps and sis's chatter in my head. The hours we spent in one another's company. Priceless. On the eve of new year's day where everyone counted down to 2006, time stood still for the four of us. Sitting in Starbucks (for the first time together), we talked about the future. Priceless. If there is one regret in the world, it is not telling the people whom u care about how much u love and treasure them. And I am glad I did.

2005 has been a very fruitful year for me. I found my sky and flew as a free bird. Exploring. Growing. Living. And along the way, I made new friends whom I have a feeling is going to stay with me for a long long time. And that's good coz' the journey is long.

This year, my resolution is the same as 2005. To be present to what life has to offer, both its beauty and its challenges.

And to everyone out there, thank you for being part of my sky! Love ya all.